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Devon and Torbay Devolution Deal

Working together for better housing, jobs and prosperity

Work for us

Director of Operations

Location: Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority

The Organisation

We are establishing a Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA) to make a real difference to people’s lives – tackling challenges as well as providing Devon and Torbay with a stronger voice to influence policy for the benefit of our residents, communities, and businesses.

Our Devolution Deal was announced by the then Government in January 2024. Following consultation during the Spring, Devon County Council and Torbay Council submitted our proposal to establish the Devon and Torbay CCA in April 2024 and the Secretary of State has now confirmed that she will bring forward the secondary legislation to create the CCA. We expect the CCA to be established in early 2025. In the meantime, the Devon and Torbay partners are standing up a set of shadow arrangements. This is a chance to be at the forefront of the creation and mobilisation of one of the first Combined County Authorities in the country.

The proposed governance structure for the CCA is shown in the diagram below.

Flowchart depicting the governance structure of the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority. The main box is titled 'Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority' with the following information in the box: 'Constitute Members - Three members each nominated by Devon County Council and Torbay Council', 'Non-constitute Members - Up to four members, including two representatives of the Devon district councils' and 'Associate Members  Two members representing business and skills sectors.' On the left, there are two boxes, one box is labelled 'CCA Overview and Scrutiny Committee' and the other labelled 'CCA Audit Committee' both have arrows pointing back to the main box. On the right side, there is a box labeled 'CCA Advisory Groups' with an arrow pointing back to the main box. Below there is a box titled 'Team Devon Joint Committee' with an arrow pointing back to the main box. The flowchart illustrates how different councils and committees interact within this authority.

Our CCA will include five advisory groups:

  • Business Advisory Group to oversee a range of programmes and projects from the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership and to provide the business voice to the CCA Board, working in collaboration across the peninsula in support of the Great South West Partnership.
  • Skills and Employment Advisory Group to provide advice and support to the CCA on skills and employment matters.
  • Housing Advisory Group which will build on the Devon and Torbay Housing Task Force and partnerships, working jointly with Homes England and our housing authorities.
  • Environment/Net Zero Advisory Group building on the work and structure of the Devon climate change and emergency response partnerships and groups.
  • Investment Advisory Group to bring key stakeholders together from across the area to take forward and provide advice to the CCA on funding and investment opportunities.

The Role

A group of individuals in a meeting room. One person stands at the forefront, appearing to address the others who are seated around a table. The setting suggests a professional environment, possibly an office with large windows that allow natural light to fill the room. The focus is not on individual details but rather on the collective scene of a workplace meeting in progress.

As Director of Operations you will be responsible for the operational leadership and performance of the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority and will direct a range of functions supporting the economic prosperity of Devon and Torbay.

You will support the Chief Executive to set direction and strategic priorities and, working with the Monitoring Officer and Finance Director, ensure compliance with governance, audit and scrutiny functions, facilitate outcomes, and deliver value for money across a range of public investments.

You will provide operational leadership to a small team of core staff and initially will manage wider economic development and skills resources through Service Level Agreements with Devon County Council and Torbay Council.  You will work alongside housing teams within Torbay Council and Devon’s District Councils, as well as the transport teams within Devon County Council and Torbay Council.

You will be accountable for the delivery of high-performing functions, programmes, and initiatives.  

You will work closely with Advisory Groups and Directors across all local government partners including the Team Devon Joint Committee. Operating at a senior level, you will engage with Government Departments and other key stakeholders and agencies, locally, regionally, and nationally, supporting the Chief Executive and CCA Board as appropriate.


With a population of 953,000 and an economy worth over £17 billion, Devon and Torbay offers enormous potential. We have nearly 50,000 businesses providing around 473,000 jobs, and significant opportunity for growth. We are establishing a Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA) to make a real difference to people’s lives – tackling challenges as well as providing Devon and Torbay with a stronger voice to influence policy for the benefit of our residents, communities, and businesses.

The CCA will receive a range of devolved powers and funding from central Government and will ensure decisions are made locally. This gives a real opportunity for more effective and better targeting of public services, greater growth, and stronger partnerships between public, private and community leaders.

Devon and Torbay face a range  of challenges, with below national average levels of productivity, investment in innovation, exports, and overseas trade. There is significant deprivation within our coastal and rural communities, and a real lack of youth aspiration. We have a housing crisis and, whilst there is a good level of skills within our workforce, growth is constrained by key skills gaps.

Our area is blessed by key opportunities across sectors where we hold national and global significance including advanced manufacturing and environmental technologies – and we have strong and vibrant visitor and food, farming, and fishing sectors. We have excellent training providers across further and higher education sectors and a strength in our private sector training providers. Our social enterprises and voluntary sectors are key anchors in our communities promoting resilience and sustainability.

To address our challenges and realise our opportunities the CCA has established a Devon and Torbay Business Advisory Group  which is representative of the geography and diversity of our business base. These  business leaders will  help guide and shape the work of the CCA, as an integral part of the governance and operating models we are developing.

Application process

Interested candidates should submit their CV and a supporting statement outlining their relevant experience and suitability for the role. Please apply here:
